Friday, December 25, 2009


embonpoint \ahn-bohn-PWAN\ , noun;
Plumpness of person; stoutness.

A teapot sits on a stove, blue
flames licking at its bottom,
incessant, contained, flickering.

Bubbling can be heard, a low
whine that will soon turn to screaming -
a low, round mug waits,
set on the countertop,

A man waits with it, watches
from a stool, his butt careening
off the sides, spilling even,

He waits, head on hand, wrist to elbow,
bone angling into the flesh above his wide knee, he watches
the pot get hotter.

There is an ache in his throat that grows,
crawls with fits of coughing and cackling
hacking sounds that he has come to keeping down

With jaws shut and honey in a cup that waits
with the man, staring as the steam jumps and shoots
toward the low ceiling -

The legs of the stool snap.

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