beatific \bee-uh-TIF-ik\, adjective:
1. exaltedly happy; blissful
2. blessing or making exceedingly happy
A warm breeze on a fall afternoon
inciting the excited whispering of the leaves
which color the trees
A single circular patch of lush green
in a field of crab grass and tiny stones,
the perfect place to sit and be
Waking up to flannel sheets
warm feet against warm feet
a yawn and a sigh, a smile
Egg nog in a breakfast blend
let it linger on the tongue a bit
lap it up but slowly
A kitten sitting on a windowsill
the blue and sunlight coming through
so you must sit and watch it too.
Wow Sara. I really like this one. They are very lyrical. I almost wanted to hear a repeating rhyming pattern. But I know that's not you. The assonance in some of the stanzas is great. Well done.