valediction \val-uh-DIK-shuhn\, noun:
the action of bidding farewell; a farewell
This word doesn't sound like a goodbye. It sounds like something righteous and true. Full of promise. Gentlemanly. It's a stately noun. But a goodbye is not these things. It's cowardly. You make it seem nice, like a good thing, almost a gift giving, but it's a parlor trick. You call it a "farewell". Fair thee well.
Is that supposed to be a consolation? You wish me well? Did I ask for this? No one is making you go. Don't pretend that you are doing me any favors by your leaving. You say farewell only to make your self feel better. You leave for your own benefit, and you would prefer to not carry guilt with you. To that place.
That place you are going with your belongings and your charms and your wit and your money. You bid me farwell, but you take all that is well with you. Valediction. This word is as deceptive as your frame as it waves hello, only to say goodbye.
Wow. Wow. What a great idea for a blog, and what an amazing first entry. Way to knock out of the park on your first time up. Keep it up, girl.