Saturday, December 6, 2008


sentinel \SEN-tuhn-uhl\, verb:
1. to stand guard and watch

The owl keeps watch.

He is grateful for the way his head spins round. He finds it ironic, or rather, sympathetic, that his neck works just the way he wants it to.

Being wise is second nature to him. He believes that he knows it all, and therefore he does. No one questions him. From the day he was hatched, all he has wanted to do is watch from above. Never taking part of the activity.

What for? he thinks. Truly he has no desire to join in with the festivities of daily life. All the fuss and worry, he's glad he knows better. It's better to sit and watch. That's how one learns things. Not all this "doing" hogwash. No, no, if you just watch, one learns what one needs to. Yes, yes, he is quite pleased, quite pleased with how he spends his days, perched atop his favorite tree. All the others looking up to him. Flying to him for advice. All of them, he's sure, comfortable with his authority.

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